Saturday, January 24, 2009

A Trip to the Movies

I had an awesome time last night getting together with a few old friends to go and see a movie. I'm not a huge movie fan as I am more into TV shows. Maybe my attention span is not long enough for a marathon of movies like some people can do! At least when I sit and catch up on TV shows, I have somewhat of a variety and commercial breaks to get up and stretch. I do have some favorite movies of which Forrest Gump and Titanic top the list. A couple other favorites of mine are The Bucket List, Music & Lyrics, and The Holiday.

Anyway, my friends and I did get out to the movies last night and saw Last Chance Harvey starring Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson. I enjoyed it greatly. It is a nice love story and making you think about remembering the important things in life and not letting your priorities get out of order.

I would recommend this one, especially to any of you "chick flick" fans out there. So what is your favorite movie? Feel free to comment and share!

Enjoy the day and the rest of the weekend!


1 comment:

  1. I hadn't heard of this movie...but now I want to see it! I was watching Titanic earlier as I was reading your blog....It is probably about the 50th time I have seen that movie! I am such a movie buff that movies come in the mail to my house from Blockbuster. The sad thing is...I have a ton of TV shows that I just can not miss as well. I am not sure how I find the time for all of this nonsense...and now facebook too! ha! Jenni just told me to get the book "The Power of a Praying Wife" to read...I think that will be good for me! I have enjoyed reading your blogs. I look forward to more. How fun!

