Wednesday, January 7, 2009

2009 Resolutions - Better a Week Late than Never!

Well now that I've introduced myself, I have to publish my 2009 New Year's Resolutions. I'm banking on the fact that actually writing them down in ink in a regular paper journal as well as posting them here will keep me somewhat motivated. We'll see!!

The deal is that I have gained about 15-20 unwanted pounds in the last year and a half or so. Not sure why. The only thing that I can think of is that when I am off work and am home, I eat because I'm bored. So my resolutions are pretty much the normal ones, but like I said I'm putting them here in print for whole blogoshpere to see! So here is my journal entry from yesterday, which is the first one I have done for 2009:

1/6/09 ___ lbs. (I have my weight written there; I won't blog that one though!)

For 2009:
  • Eat healthier - Don't eat out of boredom****
  • Be Active when getting home from work, don't just collapse on the recliner with the computer for the rest of the evening.
  • Begin a blog and keep it updated
  • Get back to drinking Green Tea - this was doing me good for a while there and I need to get back to it.

So, keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I try to take off some of those unwanted pounds and try to better my eating habits!!

Thanks for reading!



  1. Looks like some solid goals for 2009! As you know, I'm struggling getting back to eating healthy so I can continue to lose weight. I'd love to have a blog too - gonna have to look into this!

  2. good luck susan...i know all too well how hard it is to lose weight but with a positive mind and supportive family anything is possible.

  3. good luck...i'm still working on my weight loss and eating healthier :)

  4. i was reading recently, perhaps in "scientific american mind," that people are much more successful with resolutions that are not unrealistically extravagant and are very specific. so it seems like you're well on your way just by picking goals that fit with that whole theory.
